Reviews from our clients

What best verifies our promises? We are highly esteemed among women. Familiarize yourself with the opinions of many of them.

I can't remember the last time my stomach hurt. The diarrhea finally disappeared and my stomach isn't making weird noises anymore. Thank you for this product


I can't remember the last time my stomach hurt. The diarrhea finally disappeared and my stomach isn't making weird noises anymore. Thank you for this product


I can't remember the last time my stomach hurt. The diarrhea finally disappeared and my stomach isn't making weird noises anymore. Thank you for this product


For me, the product is brilliant! I just finished my first (and not last) package! Finally, my stomach problems have ended and I feel much better!


For me, the product is brilliant! I just finished my first (and not last) package! Finally, my stomach problems have ended and I feel much better!


For me, the product is brilliant! I just finished my first (and not last) package! Finally, my stomach problems have ended and I feel much better!


I am extremely pleased with this product. I never thought that a supplement would make my life so much easier! I always suffered from various stomach problems, from bloating to severe pain, which would end in acute diarrhea, leading to dehydration. It would take me 2 days to recover from such a situation. I never realized how important proper bowel function is. ROSEBIOTIC made the stomach pain a thing of the past, as well as the bloating, and I already forgot about the diarrhea. After just 13 days of taking the tablets, I see a significant difference. Additionally, my complexion has improved, I don't have pimples, and most importantly, I feel much better! Anyone who has intestinal problems should have these tablets in their medicine cabinet! They save lives! Also, for those who don't like swallowing pills, they can be chewed or sucked. The tablets have a strong milky taste, I personally don't like milky things, but I can survive :)


I am extremely pleased with this product. I never thought that a supplement would make my life so much easier! I always suffered from various stomach problems, from bloating to severe pain, which would end in acute diarrhea, leading to dehydration. It would take me 2 days to recover from such a situation. I never realized how important proper bowel function is. ROSEBIOTIC made the stomach pain a thing of the past, as well as the bloating, and I already forgot about the diarrhea. After just 13 days of taking the tablets, I see a significant difference. Additionally, my complexion has improved, I don't have pimples, and most importantly, I feel much better! Anyone who has intestinal problems should have these tablets in their medicine cabinet! They save lives! Also, for those who don't like swallowing pills, they can be chewed or sucked. The tablets have a strong milky taste, I personally don't like milky things, but I can survive :)


I am extremely pleased with this product. I never thought that a supplement would make my life so much easier! I always suffered from various stomach problems, from bloating to severe pain, which would end in acute diarrhea, leading to dehydration. It would take me 2 days to recover from such a situation. I never realized how important proper bowel function is. ROSEBIOTIC made the stomach pain a thing of the past, as well as the bloating, and I already forgot about the diarrhea. After just 13 days of taking the tablets, I see a significant difference. Additionally, my complexion has improved, I don't have pimples, and most importantly, I feel much better! Anyone who has intestinal problems should have these tablets in their medicine cabinet! They save lives! Also, for those who don't like swallowing pills, they can be chewed or sucked. The tablets have a strong milky taste, I personally don't like milky things, but I can survive :)


The best product on the market, I recommend it, this is my 5th package, nothing helps me as much as even the 'best' rated probiotics. Long-standing intestinal problems completely disappeared after a few days of using. The stomach pains are gone, constant bloating and feeling of fullness even a few hours after a meal. I only regret that I discovered this product so late.


The best product on the market, I recommend it, this is my 5th package, nothing helps me as much as even the 'best' rated probiotics. Long-standing intestinal problems completely disappeared after a few days of using. The stomach pains are gone, constant bloating and feeling of fullness even a few hours after a meal. I only regret that I discovered this product so late.


The best product on the market, I recommend it, this is my 5th package, nothing helps me as much as even the 'best' rated probiotics. Long-standing intestinal problems completely disappeared after a few days of using. The stomach pains are gone, constant bloating and feeling of fullness even a few hours after a meal. I only regret that I discovered this product so late.


Good supplement, helps with digestion.


Good supplement, helps with digestion.


Good supplement, helps with digestion.


It really helped with bloating


It really helped with bloating


It really helped with bloating


I didn't expect the supplement to make life so much easier. It helped me overcome constipation and bowel problems.


I didn't expect the supplement to make life so much easier. It helped me overcome constipation and bowel problems.


I didn't expect the supplement to make life so much easier. It helped me overcome constipation and bowel problems.


Awesome! These tablets are great, my stomach works much better with them :-)


Awesome! These tablets are great, my stomach works much better with them :-)


Awesome! These tablets are great, my stomach works much better with them :-)


I have definitely noticed an improvement since I started taking these supplements, I definitely recommend!


I have definitely noticed an improvement since I started taking these supplements, I definitely recommend!


I have definitely noticed an improvement since I started taking these supplements, I definitely recommend!


reduces the feeling of 'heaviness', the stomach is less bloated


reduces the feeling of 'heaviness', the stomach is less bloated
